A montanha colorida
Pastel s/ papel / 17x20cm / pra venda
"My beloved is the Mountains
the solitary wooded valleys
strange islands....silent music"
Pastel s/ papel / 20x13cm / pra venda
"There is nothing to seek and nothing to acquire. We are enlightened, and all the words in the world will not give us what we already have.
The man of Zen, therefore, is concerned with one thing only, to become aware of what he already is." from " The wisdom of the Zen Masters"- Irmgard Schloegl
The Sun Prayer of the Sioux Indians
" Great Spirit, whose voice I know in the wind
and whose Breath brings Life to the world,
listen to me.
I enter into Your presence as one of Your many
cildren. I am small and weak, I need Your
strength and wisdom.
Allow me to roam in Beauty and let my eyes forever
see the purple-red sunset.
May my hands honour the things You have created,
and my ears hear Your voice.
Make me wise, so that I can understand
the things You have taught my people, the
knowledge which You have hidden in every
leaf and every rock
I long for strength, not to have power over my
brothers, but to fight against my greatest
enemy, my ego.
Grant that I am always ready to meet You, with
untainted hands and honest eyes, so that my
spirit can come to You without being
ashamed when Life disappears like the setting Sun"
O Sol, o Rio e as Montanhas
Oleo s/ papel / 26x18cm / pra venda |